
The First and Very Last Step

Self-realization comes not when one seeks it...........The Self seeking the Self is the illusion itself!

The journey of the soul is not trying to know the Self and understand it............When the Self attempts to know itself and understand it, that very attempt causes the projection of truth.........This very projection of truth is untruth!

There is no intellect that can reason and teach you to "be"............The intellect is an instrument that reasons and reminds you what not to be.

Purity is the nature of the spirit of your soul............Purity is the silence with which the soul speaks.

Purity is the very essence of being your Self..........

You cannot measure the levels of purity..........When you fill every part of your being with the spirit of purity the very mind that thinks of its closeness to truth shall turn and merge as truth...........

Loving all as one’s self is a practice to purify every thought.............As one practices the principle of equal love one becomes more and more confident to return to the simple state of "being".

The very fact you fear and measure the level of purity is because you are aware of the deviation from the purity of your soul.

The greatest spiritual teachers teach the highest truth just by the principle of "being".............They elevate the mind of their disciple by their simple ways of life............They give to you what you are ready to receive and utilize...........
They believe in you and teach you to believe in yourself..........They are aware of your journey and show you the path of patience........In their eyes they behold the gift of peace and calmness and with it they instill the confidence within you to take every step with complete  Self-awareness...........With their love for you they teach you to silence all your fearful questions............The state of being comes when the disciple circles the whole universe holding mentally the Hand of his Guru, sometimes falling and failing  and sometimes climbing and Self-inspiring...........In both moments the Guru smiles and holds the hand of His child..........He speaks to his teacher in the moments of fear........he cries....he tries.......he even fights and denies his Guru's presence...........But through all of this his teacher stands by him coaxing His beloved student to take the next step............And then comes the blessed moment..........the last step when the disciple completes his circle around the Universe and returns to his Self...........And in that moment he realizes that the Guru that held his hand was too an illusion............For all that time he alone had projected the Universe and had chased his Self while being the only witness to the whole journey!
